

BRF's Advent titles provide daily Bible readings and reflections to explore particular themes from the beginning of Advent through to Epiphany.

Embracing Humanity: A journey towards becoming flesh
Digital eBook Only - Isabelle Hamley explores what it meant for God to become flesh and how this enables us...
Celebrating Christmas: Embracing joy through art and reflections
Digital eBook Only - Grab a cuppa and sink into a cosy chair as a father-daughter duo leads you into...
Christmas through the Keyhole: Luke's glimpses of Advent
Digital eBook Only - Soaked in the older scriptures of the Jewish people, the songs Luke records in his inspired...
The Prince of Peace in a World of Wars: Applying the message of God's love to a needy world
Digital eBook Only - The BRF Advent book for 2018. David Kerrigan sees the coming of Jesus at Christmas as central...
At Home in Advent: A domestic journey from Advent to Epiphany
Digital eBook Only - Following on from the success of At Home in Lent, Gordon Giles takes a journey through...
Image of the Invisible: Daily Bible readings from Advent to Epiphany
Digital eBook Only - When you hear the name ‘God’, does an image come into your head? Do you think...
Lighted Windows: An Advent calendar for a world in waiting
Digital eBook Only - The world waits - sometimes holding its breath in fear of what tomorrow may bring, sometimes...
A Calendar of Carols: Christmas reflections, prayers and songs of praise
Christmas is a musical destination as well as a spiritual one, yet when we reach the newborn Christ child in...
Embracing Humanity: A journey towards becoming flesh
Isabelle Hamley explores what it meant for God to become flesh and how this enables us to understand what it...
Christmas Voices
25 short reflective pieces for the Christmas season written by Claire Musters, travelling through promise and preparation to joy, peace...
An Advent Manifesto
The message of the kingdom of God: an ecology of equality and peace, and an economy of justice. Hope from...
The Christmas Story
Explore the story of the first Christmas together as a family! The Christmas Story is written for parents, grandparents and carers to...
Sharing the Christmas Story
In this year's BRF Advent book Sally Welch explores two questions: What is the Christmas story really about, and how...
The Whole Christmas Story: An Advent adventure through Genesis, Revelation, and points in between
Advent is a time to remember and reflect on the Christmas story and the baby at its heart. But the...
Celebrating Christmas: Embracing joy through art and reflections
Grab a cuppa and sink into a cosy chair as a father-daughter duo leads you into the celebration of Christmas...
Journeying through Advent with New Daylight: Daily Bible readings and group study material
Five weeks of Advent material for church groups and individuals, offering themed reflections by well-loved contributors from the New Daylight...
At Home in Advent: A domestic journey from Advent to Epiphany
Following on from the success of At Home in Lent, Gordon Giles takes a journey through Advent to Christmas and...
Image of the Invisible: Daily Bible readings from Advent to Epiphany
When you hear the name ‘God’, does an image come into your head? Do you think of him as a...
Celtic Advent: 40 days of devotions to Christmas
This inspirational book takes the reader through Advent to the celebration of Christmas through the eyes and beliefs of Celtic...
The Prince of Peace in a World of Wars: Applying the message of God's love to a needy world
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David Kerrigan sees the coming of Jesus at Christmas as central to the divine plan to bring peace to the...
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Christmas through the Keyhole: Luke's glimpses of Advent
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Soaked in the older scriptures of the Jewish people, the songs Luke records in his inspired Gospel - the songs...
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Lighted Windows: An Advent calendar for a world in waiting
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The world waits - sometimes holding its breath in fear of what tomorrow may bring, sometimes in a haze of...
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Comings and Goings: Retracing the Christmas story through place and time
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Life involves many 'comings and goings', as we make our way along the path of faith day by day, guided...
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