Advent and Christmas

Advent and Christmas

Resources for Advent and Christmas.
Embracing Humanity: A journey towards becoming flesh
Isabelle Hamley explores what it meant for God to become flesh and how this enables us to understand what it...
An Advent Manifesto
The message of the kingdom of God: an ecology of equality and peace, and an economy of justice. Hope from...
Sharing the Christmas Story
In this year's BRF Advent book Sally Welch explores two questions: What is the Christmas story really about, and how...
Celtic Advent: 40 days of devotions to Christmas
This inspirational book takes the reader through Advent to the celebration of Christmas through the eyes and beliefs of Celtic...
The Whole Christmas Story: An Advent adventure through Genesis, Revelation, and points in between
Advent is a time to remember and reflect on the Christmas story and the baby at its heart. But the...
A Calendar of Carols: Christmas reflections, prayers and songs of praise
Christmas is a musical destination as well as a spiritual one, yet when we reach the newborn Christ child in...
Journeying through Advent with New Daylight: Daily Bible readings and group study material
Five weeks of Advent material for church groups and individuals, offering themed reflections by well-loved contributors from the New Daylight...
Image of the Invisible: Daily Bible readings from Advent to Epiphany
When you hear the name ‘God’, does an image come into your head? Do you think of him as a...
At Home in Advent: A domestic journey from Advent to Epiphany
Following on from the success of At Home in Lent, Gordon Giles takes a journey through Advent to Christmas and...
Unveiled: Women of the Old Testament and the choices they made
Some women of the Hebrew scriptures are well known, but many others are barely remembered. Even when they are, we...
The BRF Book of 100 Prayers: Resourcing your spiritual journey
An illustrated collection of prayers by Martyn Payne. Prayer is at the heart of BRFʼs work, and this special illustrated anniversary...
Celtic Prayer – Caught Up in Love: Wisdom for living from a modern Celtic community
Even the most committed pray-ers can get stuck in a rut. Loved and familiar ways of praying can become dry...
Bible in Ten: Any book of the Bible cracked in ten minutes or less
For anyone who wants to crack open the Bible, poet, broadcaster and teacher Dave Kitchen provides a lively introduction to...
Green Reflections: Biblical inspiration for sustainable living
How should we look after the world we inhabit? Martin and Margot Hodson bring together scientific and theological wisdom to...
The BRF Book of 365 Bible Reflections: with contributions from BRF authors, supporters and well-wishers
The Bible is at the heart of BRF’s work, and this special anniversary collection is a celebration of the Bible...
Celtic Rhythms of Life: Daily prayer from the Community of Aidan and Hilda
From the Community of Aidan and Hilda, here is a resource to create a daily rhythm of prayer, inspired by...
Christmas Voices
25 short reflective pieces for the Christmas season written by Claire Musters, travelling through promise and preparation to joy, peace...
Celebrating Christmas: Embracing joy through art and reflections
Grab a cuppa and sink into a cosy chair as a father-daughter duo leads you into the celebration of Christmas...
Christmas Card - Christmas sheep (pack of 10)
A pack of ten cards with envelopes. All our Christmas cards contain the following greeting: With Best Wishes for Christmas...
Knowing You, Jesus: following Jesus through the gospels in a year
Inspired by the famous prayer of Richard of Chichester ‘to see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly and follow...
Christmas Card - Christmas candles Silver (pack of 10)
A pack of ten cards with envelopes. All our Christmas cards contain the following greeting: With Best Wishes for Christmas...
Comfort in the Darkness: Helping children draw close to God through biblical stories of night-time and sleep
Sleep, dreams and the night can be mysterious and sometimes troubling. Children can be afraid of the dark, have nightmares...
Christmas Card - Dove: peace this Christmas (pack of 10)
A pack of ten cards with envelopes. All our Christmas cards contain the following greeting: With Best Wishes for Christmas...
Holding Onto Hope: 40 days of God’s encouragement through art and reflections
Amy Boucher Pye and Leo Boucher return with a 40-day journey exploring the themes of hope and new life through...
Christmas Card - A child is born (pack of 10)
A pack of ten cards with envelopes. All our Christmas cards contain the following greeting: With Best Wishes for Christmas...
What’s in the Bible (for me)?: 50 readings and reflections
Where do you start with reading the Bible? Here's the perfect gift for Messy Church families and others new to...
Parenting Teens for a Life of Faith: Helping teens meet and know God
Parenting teens has its challenges. The once-small children we had are pulling away from us, growing in independence and making...
Christmas Card - Christmas trio (pack of 10)
A pack of ten cards with envelopes. All our Christmas cards contain the following greeting: With Best Wishes for Christmas...
Christmas Card - Christ the Lord (pack of 10)
A pack of ten cards with envelopes. All our Christmas cards contain the following greeting: With Best Wishes for Christmas...
Christmas Card - Bethlehem chapel window (pack of 10)
A pack of ten cards with envelopes. All our Christmas cards contain the following greeting: With Best Wishes for Christmas...