

Bible reading notes subscriptions available in print.

Subscribe to New Daylight: Your daily Bible reading, comment and prayer
New Daylight offers four months of daily Bible reading and reflection for everybody who wants to go deeper with God....
Subscribe to Day by Day with God: Rooting women's lives in the Bible
Each day's reading in Day by Day with God provides a suggested Bible reading, with the key verse written out in full,...
Subscribe to Guidelines: Bible study for today's ministry and mission
Guidelines is a unique Bible reading resource that offers four months of in-depth study, drawing on insights of current scholarship. Its...
Subscribe to The Upper Room: Where the world meets to pray
The Upper Room has a worldwide readership of some three million, and is unique in that all the meditations are written...
Subscribe to New Daylight Deluxe: Your daily Bible reading, comment and prayer
All the content of New Daylight, but with bigger text. Each issue of New Daylight provides four months of daily Bible readings and...
Subscribe to Bible Reflections for Older People
Written by older people for older people, these reflections are designed to bring hope, assurance and sustenance, reminding the reader...