

Resources promoting understanding of what it means to follow Jesus, and helping those who choose to do so.

You may also be interested in Holy Habits: Missional discipleship resources for churches.

Ignite: How to share faith, build community and do church, differently Pack of 5
PACK of 5 - for Churches, leaders and volunteers - God loves to bring people into community, into a knowledge of...
The Upper Room May-August 2025
Digital eBook Only - Each day’s reading contains a Bible passage to read, a reflection on the passage and a...
Guidelines May-August 2025
Digital eBook Only - Guidelines is a unique Bible reading resource that offers four months of in-depth study, drawing on insights...
Day by Day with God May-August 2025
Digital eBook Only - Day by Day with God is a collection of Bible reading notes specifically written for women by...
New Daylight May - August 2025
Digital eBook Only - Each issue of New Daylight provides four months of daily Bible readings and comment, with a regular team...
Reimagining the Landscape of Faith: Essential pathways for spiritual growth
Digital eBook Only - Is this all there is to faith? Every Christian carries a map, a mental image of...
The Upper Room May-August 2025
Each day’s reading contains a Bible passage to read, a reflection on the passage and a prayer, followed by a...
New Daylight Deluxe May - August 2025
Each issue of New Daylight provides four months of daily Bible readings and comment, with a regular team of contributors drawn from...
New Daylight May - August 2025
Each issue of New Daylight provides four months of daily Bible readings and comment, with a regular team of contributors drawn from...
Guidelines May-August 2025
Guidelines is a unique Bible reading resource that offers four months of in-depth study, drawing on insights of current scholarship. Its...
Day by Day with God May-August 2025
Day by Day with God is a collection of Bible reading notes specifically written for women by women. The entries for...
All Shall Be Well: Visions of salvation with Julian of Norwich
Digital eBook Only - How can all be well in the world in which we live? What does ‘All shall...
The Whole Easter Story: Why the cross is good news for all creation
Digital eBook Only - There is no doubt that each of us has a place in the Easter story, but...
The Upper Room January-April 2025
Digital eBook Only - Each day’s reading contains a Bible passage to read, a reflection on the passage and a...
Rhythms of Grace: Finding intimacy with God in a busy life
FULLY REVISED AND UPDATED 2ND EDITION Rhythms of Grace emerges from a personal exploration of contemplative spirituality. Coming from an evangelical and...
Discipleship: Walk This Way: Living the life of an everyday Christian disciple
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Discipleship: Walk This Way explores the difference discipleship makes to everyday life. Using the framework of the apprentice-relationship, it unpacks what...
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Discipleship: Start This Way: Beginning to live as an everyday Christian disciple
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Learning how to follow Jesus in normal everyday life. Discipleship: Start This Way offers comprehensive formation in discipleship, with a distinctive...
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Ignite: How to share faith, build community and do church, differently
God loves to bring people into community, into a knowledge of being loved and valued. Many people, especially those living...
Embracing Humanity: A journey towards becoming flesh
Digital eBook Only - Isabelle Hamley explores what it meant for God to become flesh and how this enables us...
Finding Flourishing: Time and pace for your work-life wellbeing
Digital eBook Only - Say goodbye to exhaustion and overwhelm… In our fast-paced world, Finding Flourishing redefines wellbeing as an accessible...
The Everyday God: Encountering the Divine in the works of mercy
Digital eBook Only - ‘The everyday God is a God who is for everyone…who appears in everyday events and ordinary...
On the Way to Work: A Christian approach to thinking differently about success and fulfillment
Digital eBook Only - Does your work give you a sense of purpose? How do you feel when work serves...
Refresh: Introducing adults to faith through toddler groups
Refresh Café is a fun and effective way to build fruitful relationships with parents and carers in your community. It’s...
Good Call: Learning to make decisions with God
Digital eBook Only - Have you ever experienced conflict between what your head and your heart were telling you to...
The Contemplative Struggle: Radical discipleship in a broken world
Digital eBook Only - How do we embrace and work out our call to be disciples in a broken world?...
Being God's Child: A Parent's Guide
Digital eBook Only - An exploration of ten different ways in which parents can learn or re-learn how to connect...
New Daylight January-April 2025: Sustaining your daily journey with the Bible
Digital eBook Only - Each issue of New Daylight provides four months of daily Bible readings and comment, with a regular team...
Day by Day with God January - April 2025: Rooting women's lives in the Bible
Digital eBook Only - Day by Day with God is a collection of Bible reading notes specifically written for women by...
Messy Discipleship: Messy Church perspectives on growing faith
Digital eBook Only - Described as being ‘deeply serious about discipleship’, Messy Church has much to share, as well as...
Working from a Place of Rest: Jesus and the key to sustaining ministry
Digital eBook Only - Exhaustion, burnout, tiredness, even breakdown... sadly, such conditions are all too common these days, not least...