New and upcoming

New and upcoming

Our latest titles and what is soon to come!
Death and Life: A church's guide to exploring mortality
As a society we aren’t good at talking about death, and as individuals we may try and avoid thinking about...
The Poetry of Pilgrimage: Reflections on Celtic Pilgrimage sites in Ireland and Britain
Drawing from his experience of co-leading pilgrimages in Britain and Ireland, Michael Mitton captures the essence of 23 significant pilgrimage...
Garden Song: Exploring the psalms through paintings, reflections and prayers
A fresh, vibrant interpretation for today. Garden Song brings together original artwork by artist Micah Hayns and reflections and prayers by Reverend...
The Whole Easter Story: Why the cross is good news for all creation
Explore the profound meaning of Easter beyond personal spirituality. There is no doubt that each of us has a place...
Easter Inside Out: The story as if you were there
Step into the Easter story… Acclaimed storyteller David Kitchen reimagines the Easter narrative through a varied cast of characters, from...
All Shall Be Well: Visions of salvation with Julian of Norwich
How can all be well in the world in which we live? What does ‘All shall be well’ mean when...
Reimagining the Landscape of Faith: Essential pathways for spiritual growth
Is this all there is to faith? Every Christian carries a map, a mental image of their journey through life,...
The Works of the Lord: 52 biblical reflections on science, technology and creation
‘Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them,’ says Psalm 111:2. We all benefit...
Rhythms of Grace: Finding intimacy with God in a busy life
FULLY REVISED AND UPDATED 2ND EDITION Rhythms of Grace emerges from a personal exploration of contemplative spirituality. Coming from an evangelical and...
All Shall Be Well: Visions of salvation with Julian of Norwich
Digital eBook Only - How can all be well in the world in which we live? What does ‘All shall...
Reimagining the Landscape of Faith: Essential pathways for spiritual growth
Digital eBook Only - Is this all there is to faith? Every Christian carries a map, a mental image of...
The Works of the Lord: 52 biblical reflections on science, technology and creation
Digital eBook Only - ‘Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them,’ says Psalm...
Ignite: How to share faith, build community and do church, differently Pack of 5
PACK of 5 - for Churches, leaders and volunteers - God loves to bring people into community, into a knowledge of...