Christian life

Christian life

A selection of titles for your Living Faith.
Parenting Teens for a Life of Faith: Helping teens meet and know God
Parenting teens has its challenges. The once-small children we had are pulling away from us, growing in independence and making...
Sharing the Christmas Story
In this year's BRF Advent book Sally Welch explores two questions: What is the Christmas story really about, and how...
The BRF Book of 100 Prayers: Resourcing your spiritual journey
An illustrated collection of prayers by Martyn Payne. Prayer is at the heart of BRFʼs work, and this special illustrated anniversary...
Creative Ways to Tell a Bible Story: Techniques and tools for exploring the Bible with children and families
This resource offers a treasure trove of ideas for opening up a Bible story (the way in), telling the story (the...
The Jesus Prayer
ʻLord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.ʼThis ancient prayer has been known and loved by generations of...
The People's Bible Commentary: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts: A Bible commentary for every day
The People’s Bible Commentary series presents scholarly insights in straightforward terms, aiming to instruct the head but also to warm...
Celtic Prayer – Caught Up in Love: Wisdom for living from a modern Celtic community
Even the most committed pray-ers can get stuck in a rut. Loved and familiar ways of praying can become dry...
Really Useful Guides: Romans
Digital eBook Only - A letter was delivered, and a legacy had begun. Over other seas, through other lands, across...
Comfort in Uncertain Times
Uncertainty and change can be hard, and even more so for a child. Feelings of confusion, powerlessness and insecurity may...
Unveiled: Women of the Old Testament and the choices they made
Some women of the Hebrew scriptures are well known, but many others are barely remembered. Even when they are, we...
The BRF Book of 365 Bible Reflections: with contributions from BRF authors, supporters and well-wishers
The Bible is at the heart of BRF’s work, and this special anniversary collection is a celebration of the Bible...
The Art of Peace: Life lessons from Christian mystics
Deep inner peace and peace of mind with spiritual balance is something everyone wants, but how does one attain it?...
Deep Calls to Deep: Spiritual formation in the hard places of life
The Psalms offer honest insights into the reality of life with God, reflecting every human emotion and situation. Through looking...
Comfortable Words: a call to restoration: Reflections on Isaiah 40–55
‘Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God…’ Through nine reflections, Steven Croft examines what these ‘comfortable words’ have to say...
Green Reflections: Biblical inspiration for sustainable living
How should we look after the world we inhabit? Martin and Margot Hodson bring together scientific and theological wisdom to...
The Easter Story multipack
Purchase a multipack of The Easter Story: for families to share by Martyn Payne. Explore the story of the first Easter...
The Easter Story: for families to share
Explore the story of the first Easter together as a family! The Easter Story is written for parents, grandparents and...
Babies and Toddlers multipack
Buy a pack of five or ten copies of Babies and Toddlers: Nurturing your child’s spiritual life by Rachel Turner. Our...
A Christian Guide to Environmental Issues
Environmental sustainability is a major issue for us all. In this extensively updated edition, Martin and Margot Hodson consider eight...
The Space Between: The disruptive seasons we want to hide from, and why we need them
The disruptive seasons of life – those transition times in which we have left one season of stability but not yet...
Babies and Toddlers: Nurturing your child’s spiritual life
Our children's early years are incredibly significant in shaping their mental, emotional and spiritual lives for the future, but how...
Messy Vintage: 52 sessions to share Christ-centred fun and fellowship with the older generation
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Being ‘church’ with older people in care homes, congregations and the community Messy Vintage is Christ-centred and creative, full of...
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The Barnabas 365 Story Bible
This is the Bible retold for younger children in 365 much-loved stories. It offers a continuous narrative from Genesis to...
Opening Our Lives: Devotional readings for Lent
Lent is not about giving up or taking up, but a radical opening up: the opening up of our lives...
Holy Habits: Following Jesus: Ideal for Lent and other times
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Explore the Holy Habits through the life of Jesus.This resource provides seven weeks of material for church groups to use...
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Mentoring Conversations: 30 key topics to explore together
A core resource for anyone involved in spiritual mentoring, Mentoring Conversations provides a basis for spiritual conversation in a mentoring...
The Bible Doesn’t Tell Me So: Why you don’t have to submit to domestic abuse and coercive control
This book is addressed directly to women experiencing domestic abuse, and to those who seek to support them, including pastoral...
Seven Sacred Spaces: Portals to deeper community life in Christ
Too often people’s understanding of and engagement with ‘church’ is reduced to corporate worship, when it is so much more....
Journeying through Advent with New Daylight: Daily Bible readings and group study material
Five weeks of Advent material for church groups and individuals, offering themed reflections by well-loved contributors from the New Daylight...
The Celtic Year: A rhythm of prayer and meditation for the eight points of the Celtic year
‘David Cole is a careful, wise and skilful writer and guide.’The Revd Canon Professor James Woodward, Principal, Sarum College, SalisburyFollowing...