Group reading

Group reading

A collection of titles suitable for home groups and reading groups.
A Christian Guide to Environmental Issues
Environmental sustainability is a major issue for us all. In this extensively updated edition, Martin and Margot Hodson consider eight...
Holy Habits: Following Jesus: Ideal for Lent and other times
Explore the Holy Habits through the life of Jesus.This resource provides seven weeks of material for church groups to use...
Mentoring Conversations: 30 key topics to explore together
A core resource for anyone involved in spiritual mentoring, Mentoring Conversations provides a basis for spiritual conversation in a mentoring...
Seven Sacred Spaces: Portals to deeper community life in Christ
Too often people’s understanding of and engagement with ‘church’ is reduced to corporate worship, when it is so much more....
Journeying through Advent with New Daylight: Daily Bible readings and group study material
Five weeks of Advent material for church groups and individuals, offering themed reflections by well-loved contributors from the New Daylight...
At Home in Advent: A domestic journey from Advent to Epiphany
Following on from the success of At Home in Lent, Gordon Giles takes a journey through Advent to Christmas and...
Encountering the Risen Christ
How can we encounter the risen Lord Jesus in a life-transforming way? How can we be equipped and strengthened to...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Worship: Leader's Guide
Worship can arise from a glad heart, but it can also be the deliberate choice of a hurting one. All...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Sharing Resources: Leader's Guide
To have 'all things in common' is about both giving and receiving, and it needs to be mutual. Sharing may...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Serving: Leader's Guide
Jesus himself came as one who served, and our calling as followers of Jesus is to proclaim the gospel by...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Gladness and Generosity: Leader's Guide
Gladness and generosity go together in this Holy Habit because they are inextricably linked. A generously forgiving and trusting nature...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Breaking Bread: Leader's Guide
This exploration of breaking bread works with a broad understanding of the term: one that includes and honours the practice...
How to Read the Bible... so that it makes a difference
To read and engage with the Bible, we first need to understand the story, the styles of writing and the...
A Fruitful Life: Abiding in Christ as seen in John 15
'It is my desire through these pages to point you back to the simplicity of a life lived out of...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Prayer: Leader's Guide
Prayer is a foundational and transformative Holy Habit, a way of being, the breath of life. As you explore the...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Making More Disciples: Leader's Guide
Jesus said ‘Go and make disciples’ to the first disciples, but the command is for us too. It’s not our...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Fellowship: Leader's Guide
The Greek word translated as ‘fellowship’ in Acts 2 is koinonia. It is a word rich in depth, meaning and...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Eating Together: Leader's Guide
At first glance, the Holy Habit of eating together seems like an easy one. Many of us enjoy eating together...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Biblical Teaching: Leader's Guide
We can explore biblical teaching on our own, and even better together. In exploring this Holy Habit, we hope that...
Prayer in the Making: Trying it, talking it, sustaining it
From the author of Faith in the Making Books on prayer can so often make us feel challenged but guilty....
80 Reflective Prayer Ideas: A creative resource for church and group use
Prayer remains a vital part of Christian discipleship. Following the success of the author's 80 Creative Prayer Ideas, this ready-to-use...
Living Differently to Make a Difference: The beatitudes and countercultural lifestyle
Few would doubt that we live in a wounded and broken world. But God has sent a Saviour, Jesus Christ,...
80 Creative Prayer Ideas: A resource for church and group use
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Prayer is a vital part of the Christian life but people often struggle with actually getting on and doing it....
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