Biblical engagement

Biblical engagement

Get to grips with the Bible through our author's wisdom and insight. Struggling with a particular book of the Bible? Wanting some insights for a sermon? Looking for tips to help you engage with the Bible? Look no further.

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Really Useful Guides

The People's Bible Commentary

What’s in the Bible (for me)?: 50 readings and reflections
Where do you start with reading the Bible? Here's the perfect gift for Messy Church families and others new to...
How to Read the Bible... so that it makes a difference
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To read and engage with the Bible, we first need to understand the story, the styles of writing and the...
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A Fruitful Life: Abiding in Christ as seen in John 15
'It is my desire through these pages to point you back to the simplicity of a life lived out of...
God of Violence Yesterday, God of Love Today? Wrestling honestly with the Old Testament
Do you find the violence in the Old Testament a problem?Does it get in the way of reading the Bible...
The Story We Live By: A reader's guide to the New Testament
Digital eBook Only - At the heart of Christianity is a story - not a code nor a creed, but...
The Psalms: A commentary for prayer and reflection
The psalms are Israel's prayer book. Their origins are in many cases shrouded in mystery. We cannot be sure how...
Praying the Way: with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
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Through raw and authentic prayers, based on the gospel stories, Terry Hinks leads readers into the heart of the gospels...
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Living Differently to Make a Difference: The beatitudes and countercultural lifestyle
Few would doubt that we live in a wounded and broken world. But God has sent a Saviour, Jesus Christ,...
Sensing the Divine: John's word made flesh
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This compelling, inspiring book is an invigorating rereading of the fourth gospel by a well-known spirituality writer who has lived...
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Is Your God Too Small?: Enlarging our vision in the face of life's struggles
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Job struggled, as we do, with huge questions - his own and the world's. He and his friends looked for...
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Engaging the Word
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Peter Phillips is convinced that the church in the West is not devouring the Bible or meditating on the word...
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Jesus said, 'I am': Finding life in the everyday
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Drawing on the imagery of the Hebrew scriptures, Jesus identifies himself as the 'I am' of Israel's narrative. Through sensitive...
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Jesus Through the Old Testament: Transform your Bible understanding
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Confident in the Old Testament? Enjoying reading it? Happy to preach from it? In this engaging book, Graeme Goldsworthy reflects...
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Stepping into Grace: Moving beyond ambition to contemplative mission
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Journey with the prophet Jonah... Written by someone with experience of pioneering mission, reflecting on the Jonah story in the...
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The Recovery of Joy: finding the path from rootlessness to returning home
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'Recovering joy involves more than following our social codes and conventions. It involves walking with God at our right hand,...
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Praying the Bible with Luther: A simple approach to everyday prayer
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Praying biblically and with intent. There is a need in today's church to relate scripture and prayer in such a...
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Confidence in the Living God: David and Goliath Revisited
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Confidence lies at the heart of society, determining the success or failure of the economy, the government, companies, schools, churches...
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Peter's Preaching: The message of Mark's Gospel
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Do you know who wrote Mark's Gospel? At first glance, it may seem a ridiculous question. 'Mark, of course!' I...
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The People's Bible Commentary - Revelation: A Bible commentary for every day
The Revelation to John is the strangest book in the New Testament. Its visions of destruction and transformation stimulate the...
The People's Bible Commentary - Galatians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians: A Bible commentary for every day
Written with Paul's characteristic energy and passion, the letters to the churches in Galatia and Thessalonica addressed different and specific...
The People's Bible Commentary - Nahum to Malachi: A Bible commentary for every day
These six prophets delivered their messages from God approximately 2,500 years ago, but their words still resonate in today's world....
The People's Bible Commentary - Hosea to Micah: A Bible commentary for every day
The six prophetic books that run from Hosea to Micah make a distinctly odd collection, from the well-known and serious...
The People's Bible Commentary - Ezekiel: A Bible commentary for every day
Unlike some books in the bible, Ezekiel contains many precise dates and even places linked to the oracles. The prophet's...
The People's Bible Commentary - Jeremiah: A Bible commentary for every day
The book of Jeremiah is one of the most moving of the Old Testament prophetic books. It reveals a prophet...
The People's Bible Commentary - Proverbs: A Bible commentary for every day
'As a door turns on its hinges, so does a lazy person in bed.''Do not boast about tomorrow, for you...
The People's Bible Commentary - Psalms 73-150: A Bible commentary for every day
To understand the Psalms, we need to remember that we are treading on holy ground. The writers of these extraordinary...
The People's Bible Commentary - Psalms 1-72: A Bible commentary for every day
To understand the Psalms, we need to remember that we are treading on holy ground. The writers of these extraordinary...
The People's Bible Commentary - Job: A Bible commentary for every day
The book of Job airs the problem of undeserved suffering, through the case of a God-fearing man who undergoes a...
The People's Bible Commentary - Chronicles to Nehemiah: A Bible commentary for every day
'If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked...
The People's Bible Commentary - 1 & 2 Samuel: A Bible commentary for every day
The intertwined stories of Samuel the prophet and David, arguably greatest of the kings of Israel, have fascinated people ever...