

Books for ordained and lay leaders to encourage professional development and reflective ministerial practice, providing practical resources to grow and develop local church ministry.
Ignite: How to share faith, build community and do church, differently Pack of 5
PACK of 5 - for Churches, leaders and volunteers - God loves to bring people into community, into a knowledge of...
Guidelines May-August 2025
Digital eBook Only - Guidelines is a unique Bible reading resource that offers four months of in-depth study, drawing on insights...
Guidelines May-August 2025
Guidelines is a unique Bible reading resource that offers four months of in-depth study, drawing on insights of current scholarship. Its...
Rhythms of Grace: Finding intimacy with God in a busy life
FULLY REVISED AND UPDATED 2ND EDITION Rhythms of Grace emerges from a personal exploration of contemplative spirituality. Coming from an evangelical and...
Discipleship: Start This Way: Beginning to live as an everyday Christian disciple
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Learning how to follow Jesus in normal everyday life. Discipleship: Start This Way offers comprehensive formation in discipleship, with a distinctive...
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Ignite: How to share faith, build community and do church, differently
God loves to bring people into community, into a knowledge of being loved and valued. Many people, especially those living...
Refresh: Introducing adults to faith through toddler groups
Refresh Café is a fun and effective way to build fruitful relationships with parents and carers in your community. It’s...
Blended A Call to Reimagine Our Church Family: Rethinking how we can be church together
Digital eBook Only - Church as we know it is changing... with conversations and initiatives bubbling up around how our...
Starting Your Messy Church
Digital eBook Only - An all-in-one introduction to Messy Church. When you need to introduce your children's workers, family coordinators...
Musings of a Clergy Child: Growing into a faith of my own
Digital eBook Only - Vicarage life can be exciting, hilarious, scary, surreal and delightful... and that's just one day! Nell...
Paul and His Friends in Leadership: How they changed the world
Digital eBook Only - The more we understand biblical characters like the apostle Paul in their specific situations and in...
Good Call: Learning to make decisions with God
Digital eBook Only - Have you ever experienced conflict between what your head and your heart were telling you to...
Growing Young Leaders: A practical guide to mentoring teens
Digital eBook Only - This fully updated second edition of Growing Young Leaders offers practical guidance for all those mentoring...
The Contemplative Struggle: Radical discipleship in a broken world
Digital eBook Only - How do we embrace and work out our call to be disciples in a broken world?...
Servant Ministry: A portrait of Christ and a pattern for his followers
Digital eBook Only - Servanthood is something to which all believers are called, not just those in full-time ministry, and...
The Contemplative Response: Leadership and ministry in a distracted culture
Digital eBook Only - The true self finds peace in resting in the love of God, in the peace which...
God's Belongers: How people engage with God today and how the church can help
Digital eBook Only - This book transforms thinking about church membership by replacing the division between 'members' and 'non-members' with...
Working from a Place of Rest: Jesus and the key to sustaining ministry
Digital eBook Only - Exhaustion, burnout, tiredness, even breakdown... sadly, such conditions are all too common these days, not least...
Parenting as a Church Leader: Helping your family thrive
Digital eBook Only - When spiritual leadership is the day job, how does it affect family dynamics? How do we...
Sustaining Leadership: You are more important than your ministry
Digital eBook Only - Many books on leadership and ministry are written from the point of view of success and...
The Contemplative Minister: Learning to lead from the still centre
Digital eBook Only -  Eugene Peterson's bestselling book The Contemplative Pastor has helped many church leaders to keep a strong...
Rhythms of Grace: Finding intimacy with God in a busy life
Digital eBook Only - Rhythms of Grace emerges from a personal exploration of contemplative spirituality. Coming from an evangelical and...
I Think It's God Calling: A Vocation Diary
Digital eBook Only - A young woman (under 30 at the time of writing) explores in lively, highly readable diary-style...
Messy Basics: Christian Basics Made Messy Individual Sessions
Messy Basics is a discipleship course with Messy Church in mind. For groups young, old and anywhere in between, it...
Messy Basics: Christian Basics Made Messy
Messy Basics is a discipleship course with Messy Church in mind. For groups young, old and anywhere in between, it...
Guidelines May - August 2024 Bible study for today's ministry and mission
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Guidelines is a unique Bible reading resource that offers four months of in-depth study written by leading scholars. Contributors are...
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Guidelines January - April 2024 Bible study for today's ministry and mission PDF
Guidelines is a unique Bible reading resource that offers four months of in-depth study written by leading scholars. Contributors are...
Death and Life: Reflection Cards
10 reflection cards. As a society we aren’t good at talking about death, and as individuals we may try and avoid...
Starting Your Messy Church
An all-in-one introduction to Messy Church. When you need to introduce your children's workers, family coordinators and church leaders to...