Kindle books

Kindle books

Celtic Prayer – Caught Up in Love: Wisdom for living from a modern Celtic community
Even the most committed pray-ers can get stuck in a rut. Loved and familiar ways of praying can become dry...
Comfort in Uncertain Times
Uncertainty and change can be hard, and even more so for a child. Feelings of confusion, powerlessness and insecurity may...
Growing Young Leaders: A practical guide to mentoring teens
This fully updated second edition of Growing Young Leaders offers practical guidance for all those mentoring 13- to 18-year-olds in...
Sharing the Easter Story: From reading to living the gospel
In this year’s BRF Lent book Sally Welch explores two questions: What is the Easter story really about, and how do...
Opening Our Lives: Devotional readings for Lent
Lent is not about giving up or taking up, but a radical opening up: the opening up of our lives...
Holy Habits: Following Jesus: Ideal for Lent and other times
Explore the Holy Habits through the life of Jesus.This resource provides seven weeks of material for church groups to use...
Come and See: Learning from the life of Peter
When we look at the life of Peter – fisherman, disciple, leader of the church – we find somebody who...
Mentoring Conversations: 30 key topics to explore together
A core resource for anyone involved in spiritual mentoring, Mentoring Conversations provides a basis for spiritual conversation in a mentoring...
The Bible Doesn’t Tell Me So: Why you don’t have to submit to domestic abuse and coercive control
This book is addressed directly to women experiencing domestic abuse, and to those who seek to support them, including pastoral...
Seven Sacred Spaces: Portals to deeper community life in Christ
Too often people’s understanding of and engagement with ‘church’ is reduced to corporate worship, when it is so much more....
The Celtic Year: A rhythm of prayer and meditation for the eight points of the Celtic year
‘David Cole is a careful, wise and skilful writer and guide.’The Revd Canon Professor James Woodward, Principal, Sarum College, SalisburyFollowing...
At Home in Advent: A domestic journey from Advent to Epiphany
Following on from the success of At Home in Lent, Gordon Giles takes a journey through Advent to Christmas and...
Encountering the Risen Christ
How can we encounter the risen Lord Jesus in a life-transforming way? How can we be equipped and strengthened to...
At the Foot of the Cross with Julian of Norwich
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'All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.' This quotation may...
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Journey to Contentment: Pilgrimage principles for everyday life
Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, Sally Welch walks alongside us as leader and guide, but also fellow traveller, to explore...
Franciscan Footprints: Following Christ in the ways of Francis and Clare
There are many ways of following Christ – each footprint is unique. One of these, the Franciscan spiritual journey, has...
Make the Most of Retirement
‘Retire’ means to ‘withdraw’, to ‘retreat’, to ‘give ground’, to ‘cease to compete’. In one sense that is true: retirement...
How to Read the Bible... so that it makes a difference
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To read and engage with the Bible, we first need to understand the story, the styles of writing and the...
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The Essential Guide to Family Ministry: A practical guide for church-based family workers
A comprehensive foundation for those working in the increasingly complex and diverse area of ministry with families, The Essential Guide...
A Fruitful Life: Abiding in Christ as seen in John 15
'It is my desire through these pages to point you back to the simplicity of a life lived out of...
You Are Mine: Daily Bible readings from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day
'Again and again, as I have sought to look into both the scriptures and my own life, I have heard...
Life with St Benedict: The Rule reimagined for everyday living
To discover the Rule of St Benedict is to encounter something that is at once inspiring, supporting, reassuring, challenging. Let...
Image of the Invisible: Daily Bible readings from Advent to Epiphany
When you hear the name ‘God’, does an image come into your head? Do you think of him as a...
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Prayer: 40 readings and reflections
Prayer is a foundational and transformative Holy Habit, a way of being, the breath of life. As you explore the...
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Eating Together: 40 readings and reflections
At first glance, the Holy Habit of eating together seems like an easy one. Many of us enjoy eating together...
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Making More Disciples: 40 readings and reflections
Jesus said ‘Go and make disciples’ to the first disciples, but the command is for us too. It’s not our...
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Fellowship: 40 readings and reflections
The Greek word translated as ‘fellowship’ in Acts 2 is koinonia. It is a word rich in depth, meaning and...
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Biblical Teaching: 40 readings and reflections
We can explore biblical teaching on our own, and even better together. In exploring this Holy Habit, we hope that...
Augustine's Life of Prayer, Learning and Love: Lessons for Christian living
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What can we learn from Augustine?There are many books that tell the life story of Augustine and how he has...
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Seriously Messy: Making space for families to talk together about death and life
When families experience bereavement and loss, it can be hard for the wider church community to know how best to...