Biblical Engagement eBooks

Biblical Engagement eBooks

Get to grips with the Bible through our author's wisdom and insight. Struggling with a particular book of the Bible? Wanting some insights for a sermon? Looking for tips to help you engage with the Bible? Look no further.

You might also be interested in our Bible reading notes available in both print and digital.

Servant Ministry: A portrait of Christ and a pattern for his followers
Digital eBook Only - Servanthood is something to which all believers are called, not just those in full-time ministry, and...
Sensing the Divine: John's word made flesh
Digital eBook Only - This compelling, inspiring book is an invigorating rereading of the fourth gospel by a well-known spirituality...
Seasoned by Seasons: Flourishing in life's experiences
Digital eBook Only - Like the seasons themselves, our lives are variable and can change in a moment. In Seasoned...
Rhythms of Grace: Finding intimacy with God in a busy life
Digital eBook Only - Rhythms of Grace emerges from a personal exploration of contemplative spirituality. Coming from an evangelical and...
Really Useful Guides: Genesis 1-11
Digital eBook Only - 'Each time you read a story you may gain a different perspective on it and discover...
Really Useful Guides: Colossians and Philemon
Digital eBook Only - Each Really Useful Guide focuses on a specific biblical book, making it come to life for...
Peter's Preaching: The message of Mark's Gospel
Digital eBook Only - Do you know who wrote Mark's Gospel? At first glance, it may seem a ridiculous question. 'Mark,...
Paul and His Friends in Leadership: How they changed the world
Digital eBook Only - The more we understand biblical characters like the apostle Paul in their specific situations and in...
Opening Our Lives: Devotional readings for Lent
Digital eBook Only - Lent is not about giving up or taking up, but a radical opening up: the opening...
Loving My Neighbour: A Lenten Journey
Digital eBook Only - Lenten readings and reflections consider how to love in truth, love the vulnerable and the suffering,...
Living Differently to Make a Difference: The beatitudes and countercultural lifestyle
Digital eBook Only - Few would doubt that we live in a wounded and broken world. But God has sent...
Living the Prayer: The Everyday Challenge of the Lord's Prayer
Digital eBook Only - What are we really saying when we say the Lord's Prayer? What are we expecting? Living the...
Knowing You, Jesus: following Jesus through the gospels in a year
Digital eBook Only - Inspired by the famous prayer of Richard of Chichester ‘to see thee more clearly, love thee...
Jesus Through the Old Testament: Transform your Bible understanding
Digital eBook Only -  Confident in the Old Testament? Enjoying reading it? Happy to preach from it? In this engaging book,...
Is Your God Too Small?: Enlarging our vision in the face of life's struggles
Digital eBook Only - Job struggled, as we do, with huge questions - his own and the world's. He and...
Jesus said, 'I am': Finding life in the everyday
Digital eBook Only - Drawing on the imagery of the Hebrew scriptures, Jesus identifies himself as the 'I am' of...
Images of Grace: A journey from darkness to light at Easter
Digital eBook Only - ‘At the heart of the Christian message is a collection of abstract nouns: love; sin; forgiveness;...
How to Read the Bible... so that it makes a difference
Digital eBook Only - To read and engage with the Bible, we first need to understand the story, the styles...
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Worship: 40 readings and reflections
Digital eBook Only - Worship can arise from a glad heart, but it can also be the deliberate choice of...
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Serving: 40 readings and reflections
Digital eBook Only - Jesus himself came as one who served, and our calling as followers of Jesus is to...
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Sharing Resources: 40 readings and reflections
Digital eBook Only - To have 'all things in common' is about both giving and receiving, and it needs to...
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Prayer: 40 readings and reflections
Digital eBook Only - Prayer is a foundational and transformative Holy Habit, a way of being, the breath of life....
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Making More Disciples: 40 readings and reflections
Digital eBook Only - Jesus said ‘Go and make disciples’ to the first disciples, but the command is for us...
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Gladness and Generosity: 40 readings and reflections
Digital eBook Only - Gladness and generosity go together in this Holy Habit because they are inextricably linked. A generously...
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Eating Together: 40 readings and reflections
Digital eBook Only - At first glance, the Holy Habit of eating together seems like an easy one. Many of...
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Breaking Bread: 40 readings and reflections
Digital eBook Only - This exploration of breaking bread works with a broad understanding of the term: one that includes...
God of Violence Yesterday, God of Love Today? Wrestling honestly with the Old Testament
Digital eBook Only - Do you find the violence in the Old Testament a problem? Does it get in the way...
God among the Ruins: Trust and transformation in difficult times
Digital eBook Only - Where do we turn when our world is falling apart?It takes courage to hope; to stand...
Engaging the Word
Digital eBook Only - Peter Phillips is convinced that the church in the West is not devouring the Bible or...
Deep Calls to Deep: Spiritual formation in the hard places of life
Digital eBook Only - The Psalms offer honest insights into the reality of life with God, reflecting every human emotion...