Black Friday deals

Black Friday deals

Get 15% off all our books published this year so far!

The discount will automatically be added at the checkout. Valid from midnight on Friday 27 November 2020 until 1.00 pm on Monday 30 November 2020. Offer excludes packs.

At Home in Advent: A domestic journey from Advent to Epiphany
Following on from the success of At Home in Lent, Gordon Giles takes a journey through Advent to Christmas and...
Holy Habits: Following Jesus: Ideal for Lent and other times
Explore the Holy Habits through the life of Jesus.This resource provides seven weeks of material for church groups to use...
Opening Our Lives: Devotional readings for Lent
Lent is not about giving up or taking up, but a radical opening up: the opening up of our lives...
Seven Sacred Spaces: Portals to deeper community life in Christ
Too often people’s understanding of and engagement with ‘church’ is reduced to corporate worship, when it is so much more....
Journeying through Advent with New Daylight: Daily Bible readings and group study material
Five weeks of Advent material for church groups and individuals, offering themed reflections by well-loved contributors from the New Daylight...
Holy Habits in Messy Church: Discipleship sessions for churches
Holy Habits meets Messy Church! The Holy Habits approach explores Luke’s model of church found in Acts 2:42–47, identifies ten...
Franciscan Footprints: Following Christ in the ways of Francis and Clare
There are many ways of following Christ – each footprint is unique. One of these, the Franciscan spiritual journey, has...
At the Foot of the Cross with Julian of Norwich
'All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.' This quotation may...
Come and See: Learning from the life of Peter
When we look at the life of Peter – fisherman, disciple, leader of the church – we find somebody who...
Celtic Saints: 40 days of devotional readings
The life stories of the Celtic saints are inspirational. They demonstrate great and unassuming faith, often in the face of...
A Better Song to Sing: Finding life again through the invitations of Jesus
Many sincere followers of Jesus are secretly disappointed, dissatisfied and quietly desperate for more than they are currently experiencing. That...
Journey to Contentment: Pilgrimage principles for everyday life
Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, Sally Welch walks alongside us as leader and guide, but also fellow traveller, to explore...
What’s in the Bible (for me)?: 50 readings and reflections
Where do you start with reading the Bible? Here's the perfect gift for Messy Church families and others new to...
Parenting as a Church Leader: Helping your family thrive
When spiritual leadership is the day job, how does it affect family dynamics?How do we spiritually parent our children while...
The Essential Guide to Family Ministry: A practical guide for church-based family workers
A comprehensive foundation for those working in the increasingly complex and diverse area of ministry with families, The Essential Guide...
Mentoring Conversations: 30 key topics to explore together
A core resource for anyone involved in spiritual mentoring, Mentoring Conversations provides a basis for spiritual conversation in a mentoring...
The Bible Doesn’t Tell Me So: Why you don’t have to submit to domestic abuse and coercive control
This book is addressed directly to women experiencing domestic abuse, and to those who seek to support them, including pastoral...
Encountering the Risen Christ
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How can we encounter the risen Lord Jesus in a life-transforming way? How can we be equipped and strengthened to...
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Make the Most of Retirement
‘Retire’ means to ‘withdraw’, to ‘retreat’, to ‘give ground’, to ‘cease to compete’. In one sense that is true: retirement...
Discovering the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius
This book is an adaptation of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius Loyola, to help you to embark on a...
How to Read the Bible... so that it makes a difference
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To read and engage with the Bible, we first need to understand the story, the styles of writing and the...
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Messy Nativity: How to run your very own Messy Nativity Advent project
Celebrate Christmas in your community while following the Covid-19 regulations in your area. In this second edition of Messy Nativity you’ll...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Worship: Leader's Guide
Worship can arise from a glad heart, but it can also be the deliberate choice of a hurting one. All...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Gladness and Generosity: Leader's Guide
Gladness and generosity go together in this Holy Habit because they are inextricably linked. A generously forgiving and trusting nature...
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Worship: 40 readings and reflections
Worship can arise from a glad heart, but it can also be the deliberate choice of a hurting one. All...
Holy Habits Bible Reflections: Gladness and Generosity: 40 readings and reflections
Gladness and generosity go together in this Holy Habit because they are inextricably linked. A generously forgiving and trusting nature...
A Carer's Guide: How to take care of yourself in stressful times
How do we look after ourselves and others better in the wake of a health crisis such as Covid-19? This...
A Carer's Guide: How to help someone spiritually towards the end of life
How do we look after ourselves and others better in the wake of a health crisis such as Covid-19? This...
Parenting for Faith: The Course - Leader’s Handbook
This Leader's Handbook is an essential companion for those running a Parenting for Faith course, a video-based resource for parents,...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Breaking Bread: Leader's Guide
This exploration of breaking bread works with a broad understanding of the term: one that includes and honours the practice...