Believe in Miracles: A spiritual journey of positive change
'If you've picked up this book I'm guessing you've got a heart for God, but sometimes life can get in the way of your best intentions. We all want to experience love, wonder, beauty, joy, and creativity, yet our reality is often something very different. We would like to feel more connected to ourselves, to God and to other people, but often we can't see how this could be possible. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey right now, it's OK. God meets us where we are; all he asks is that we show up for our part. The miracle of the day is already yours; the adventure begins when you're open to experience it fully.'
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Title | Believe in Miracles: A spiritual journey of positive change |
Author | Carmel Thomason |
Description | 'If you've picked up this book I'm guessing you've got a heart for God, but sometimes life can get in the way of your best intentions. We all want to experience love, wonder, beauty, joy, and creativity, yet our reality is often something very different. We would like to feel more connected to ourselves, to God and to other people, but often we can't see how this could be possible. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey right now, it's OK. God meets us where we are; all he asks is that we show up for our part. The miracle of the day is already yours; the adventure begins when you're open to experience it fully.' This book takes you on a 40 day journey into a world of possibility. Focusing on small practical steps, it offers a series of short exercises to promote lasting changes, leading to a more prayerful, contented and connected life. By looking for the good and focusing on actions to take now, you will learn to view differently your daily circumstances, your relationship with God, and your relationships with others, bringing something of the ways of heaven to Earth. Carmel Thomason is an author, journalist and speaker whose writing explores how we can live out the Gospel by focusing on the extraordinary to be found in the every day. She has also written Against the Odds and Every Moment Counts and has collaborated with the Archbishop of York on Faith Stories and Hope Stories. |
Details |
'If you've picked up this book I'm guessing you've got a heart for God, but sometimes life can get in the way of your best intentions. We all want to experience love, wonder, beauty, joy, and creativity, yet our reality is often something very different. We would like to feel more connected to ourselves, to God and to other people, but often we can't see how this could be possible. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey right now, it's OK. God meets us where we are; all he asks is that we show up for our part. The miracle of the day is already yours; the adventure begins when you're open to experience it fully.'
This book takes you on a 40 day journey into a world of possibility. Focusing on small practical steps, it offers a series of short exercises to promote lasting changes, leading to a more prayerful, contented and connected life. By looking for the good and focusing on actions to take now, you will learn to view differently your daily circumstances, your relationship with God, and your relationships with others, bringing something of the ways of heaven to Earth.
Carmel Thomason is an author, journalist and speaker whose writing explores how we can live out the Gospel by focusing on the extraordinary to be found in the every day. She has also written Against the Odds and Every Moment Counts and has collaborated with the Archbishop of York on Faith Stories and Hope Stories.
With a skilled journalist's ear for compelling human stories and an engaging faith grounded in scripture and the goodness of God, Carmel Thomason proves in these pages a reliable spiritual guide in perplexing times. She brings intelligence, kindness and wit to her chosen themes and without preaching or condescension persuades us that life can be different and better. Canon Dr Rod Garner, Anglican priest, writer and theologian

Carmel Thomason is an author, journalist and speaker whose writing explores how we can live out the Gospel by focusing on the extraordinary to be found in the every day. She has also written Against the Odds and Every Moment Counts and has collaborated with the Archbishop of York on Faith Stories and Hope Stories.
The Church Times - 4 November 2016
The miracles in which the title of this book exhorts us to believe are everyday miracles, rooted and grown in ordinary lives. Through the use of inspiring and challenging stories, using her own and others' experience, the author invites readers to consider how they can make changes in their relationship with God and in the practice of faith.
Thomason presents her material in the form of short reflections for each of 40 days, dividing them into six 'weeks', each with a separate theme. The two main foundations for the life-changes that readers are encouraged to make on their journey are the practice of stillness in the presence of God, and the development of an attitude of thanks giving for God's gifts. Each of these is suggested as a discipline for each day at the end of the reflection, together with another idea for a response specific to the material for the day.
Overall, this is an accessible book that offers practical steps for the development of a lively and positive faith. It is fuelled by the author's passionate belief that the extra ordinary and the miraculous can be found in the everyday.
The primary appeal of this book probably lies in its directness and simplicity. But for some this may also be its main vice. For example, in a number of reflections there is a tendency to imply that complex and difficult emotions can be easily over come through faith. As we know, however, not all problems can be solved just through indi viduals trying harder. Moreover, the main focus of the book is highly individualistic and does not con sider the corporate dimensions of faith as they are expressed in the shared lives of church communities. At best, such communities can share burdens, exhort, listen and challenge. In these communities, individuals can know the miracle of living faith being made perfect in weakness and need.
This is a useful and sincere book that needs to be read with critical caution.
The Revd Christine Worsley is a priest in the diocese of Worcester
Methodist Recorder - 27 May 2016
Believe in Miracles: A spiritual journey of positive change is a devotional book by Carmel Thomason, which encourages a 40-day journey to view your circumstances, relationship with God, relationships with others and enable heaven to touch the earth. The daily devotions follow the format of a verse of Scripture, comment and daily practice.
The daily practice centres on three spiritual disciplines. Two activities are introduced at the start of the journey and remain as items one and three throughout the journey. The first is 15 minutes of contemplative prayer and the last is five minutes of maintaining a journal of the good things that have happened to you during the day.
The second practice enables you to interact with the content of the devotion in a practical way. I have used this format at various times and settled easily into the pattern and found it very helpful. The book arrived during my sabbatical and gave a pattern for my daily reflections. The process opens your eyes to the daily blessings of God's grace.
Paul Wilson
Goodbookreviews April 2016
This is a lovely 40 day introduction to the spiritual exercise best known as 'quiet time'. Each chapter is a one day session with a reading that reflects on modern life and sets the piece for the 'Todays practice' section that closes each chapter. These involve 3 practices, the first being a 15 minute contemplation/meditation time. Close your eyes, breath deeply and be still in the presence of God...
The second activity is the examen section and so changes each day and is usually related to the contemplation piece that starts the chapter, so we may consider our worries and write them away, we may look at what we can do rather than what we can't and do one small thing , and so they go on...each one gentle and simple but actually quite transformative, and finally the third practice is to spend 5 minutes at the end of the day thinking about the good things in your day and choosing one to be thankful for.
Excellent beginners guide to quiet time, but also a wonderful tool for anyone that wants to focus on the positive and build that into their lives.
Melanie Carroll