Discipleship: Walk This Way: Living the life of an everyday Christian disciple

Discipleship: Walk This Way: Living the life of an everyday Christian disciple


Comprehensive manual for how to live as a Christian disciple

Discipleship: Walk This Way explores the difference discipleship makes to everyday life. Using the framework of the apprentice-relationship, it unpacks what it means to be with God in the practices of daily life, how we become like Christ in our character and how we join in with the work of the Spirit. There is an emphasis on mission in all of life. Discipleship: Walk This Way focuses on its lifestyle, character and aim of discipleship, and resources the reader for continuous life-long discipleship.

This product will be available as soon as it’s published on
18 April 2025

Title Discipleship: Walk This Way: Living the life of an everyday Christian disciple
Author Guy Donegan-Cross

Discipleship: Walk This Way explores the difference discipleship makes to everyday life. Using the framework of the apprentice-relationship, it unpacks what it means to be with God in the practices of daily life, how we become like Christ in our character and how we join in with the work of the Spirit. There is an emphasis on mission in all of life. Discipleship: Walk This Way focuses on its lifestyle, character and aim of discipleship, and resources the reader for continuous life-long discipleship.

  • Product code: 9781800393738
  • Published: 18 April 2025
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 288
  • Dimensions: 130mm wide and 198mm high

Discipleship: Walk This Way explores the difference discipleship makes to everyday life. Using the framework of the apprentice-relationship, it unpacks what it means to be with God in the practices of daily life, how we become like Christ in our character and how we join in with the work of the Spirit. There is an emphasis on mission in all of life. Discipleship: Walk This Way focuses on its lifestyle, character and aim of discipleship, and resources the reader for continuous life-long discipleship.

Revd Guy Donegan-Cross is currently Enabler of Learning for Discipleship and Mission for Church of England Birmingham, where he has responsibility for resourcing a culture of discipleship across a hugely diverse area. He has engaged in parish ministry in four different contexts, most recently leading St Mark’s, Harrogate. He is chair of the Simeon’s patronage trust, with responsibility for the patronage of 180 livings across England. He is passionate about discipleship, the relationship between charismatic and contemplative spirituality, and political and environmental concerns. He loves amateur dramatics, improvisation, live music, novels, walking, jazz, and his Norfolk Terrier Bess.

‘Compassionate and realistic, Walk this Way affirms the value of the ordinary while also painting a distinctive and powerful vision for the future.’

The Revd Alan Garrow, vicar, St Peter’s Harrogate

‘In these books Guy shares from his own story as well as from years of pastoral experience, blending deep truths with practical insight into how to radically follow Jesus. Read them to grow as a disciple and be part of discipling others.’

Andy Winnill, director of mission, Church of England Birmingham

‘Like an experienced and sage companion on an adventurous journey, this book illuminates, guides, encourages and challenges readers to think about what it means to follow Jesus.’

The Revd Canon Dr Sharon Prentis, deputy director, Church of England Racial Justice Unit

‘With clarity, honesty and real-life wisdom, Guy bridges the gap between knowing about discipleship and actually walking it out in daily life… perfect for individuals, small groups and church leaders who want to cultivate a culture of authentic discipleship. They don’t just offer information; they offer transformation. Highly recommended!’

The Revd Canon Andy Glover, team leader of Hoole Baptist Church adn Fresh Streams

‘I love the fact that [Guy] has treated discipleship as a whole-life issue. It is not about just the passing on of knowledge. This book will show you how to follow Christ with all aspects of your life and how to teach others to do the same. I cannot recommend it enough.’

Dr Harvey Kwiyani

‘Here is a great work… Mature, love-filled wisdom, beautifully and humbly shared, pointing us towards the master. So good.’

The Revd Richard Wilson, vicar, St Mary’s Reigate

‘I invited [Guy] to speak about discipleship… I saw the fire was still burning within him to present to the world a no-frills, practical and challenging walk in the footsteps of Christ.’
Adrian Holloway, author, senior pastor, The Beacon Church, Camberley and founder, The John 3:16 Trust

‘Here we find an approach to Christian discipleship rooted in a deep understanding of the Bible and which offers theological thinking stimulated by the questions those exploring faith are asking. I com- mend this resource to you and pray its use in ministry bears much fruit for the kingdom!’
The Rt Revd Michael Volland, bishop of Birmingham

‘These books are packed full of brilliant insights into the life of the disciple. They are full of great stories and quotes. Guy makes this life seem very accessible. ’
Nic Harding, director, Kairos Connexion

‘Guy has given the church an accessible, enjoyable route into the adventure of discipleship which will be fruitful for local churches and study groups… Drawing repeated connections between theology and practice, these resources will be stimulating for the many people in our church communities who thirst for learning and further growth.’
The Revd Dr Samuel Gibson, vicar, St George’s Edgbaston

‘This work provides essential insights into missionary discipleship as well as a framework for going deeper in our individual walk with Christ. A timely, much-needed resource for the church both corporately and individually.’
The Rt Revd Arun Arora, bishop of Kirkstall

‘What I like most about Guy’s take on faith is that there’s no one-size- fits all; there’s space for different people, different gifts and the messy realities life. All in all, Guy’s books are probably some of the warmest, most encouraging ones I know for taking the next steps to follow Jesus.’ 
Canon Dr Mark Powley, archbishop’s mission enabler for the north