Working from a Place of Rest: Jesus and the key to sustaining ministry
Tony Horsfall reflects on the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman to draw out practical guidance for sustainable Christian life and work.
Digital eBook Only - Exhaustion, burnout, tiredness, even breakdown... sadly, such conditions are all too common these days, not least among those involved in some kind of Christian ministry, whether full-time, part-time or voluntary. In striving to do our utmost for God, we can easily forget that there were many times when Jesus himself was willing to rest, to do nothing except wait for the Spirit's prompting, so that he demonstrated the vital principle of 'working from a place of rest'.
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Title | Working from a Place of Rest: Jesus and the key to sustaining ministry |
Author | Tony Horsfall |
Description | Digital eBook Only - Exhaustion, burnout, tiredness, even breakdown... sadly, such conditions are all too common these days, not least among those involved in some kind of Christian ministry, whether full-time, part-time or voluntary. In striving to do our utmost for God, we can easily forget that there were many times when Jesus himself was willing to rest, to do nothing except wait for the Spirit's prompting, so that he demonstrated the vital principle of 'working from a place of rest'. Drawing on extensive experience of training and mentoring across the world, Tony Horsfall reflects on the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman to draw out practical guidance for sustainable Christian life and work. As he writes: 'Come and sit by the well for a while. Take some time out to reflect on how you are living and working. Watch Jesus and see how he does it. Listen to what the Spirit may be saying to you deep within, at the centre of your being; and maybe, just maybe, God will give you some insights that will change your life and sustain your ministry over the long haul.' |
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Digital eBook Only - Exhaustion, burnout, tiredness, even breakdown... sadly, such conditions are all too common these days, not least among those involved in some kind of Christian ministry, whether full-time, part-time or voluntary. In striving to do our utmost for God, we can easily forget that there were many times when Jesus himself was willing to rest, to do nothing except wait for the Spirit's prompting, so that he demonstrated the vital principle of 'working from a place of rest'.
Drawing on extensive experience of training and mentoring across the world, Tony Horsfall reflects on the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman to draw out practical guidance for sustainable Christian life and work. As he writes: 'Come and sit by the well for a while. Take some time out to reflect on how you are living and working. Watch Jesus and see how he does it. Listen to what the Spirit may be saying to you deep within, at the centre of your being; and maybe, just maybe, God will give you some insights that will change your life and sustain your ministry over the long haul.'

People around the world have been inspired and refreshed by Tony Horsfall’s teaching and mentoring. As well as working as an international freelance trainer and retreat leader, he has written a number of other books for BRF, including Deep Calls to Deep, Rhythms of Grace and Mentoring for Spiritual Growth. He also contributes to BRF’s New Daylight Bible reading notes.
Tony Horsfall’s Working from a Place of Rest is probably the book I have recommended more than any other to Christian friends and students, so I am delighted that this updated version is now available. Too many Christians involved in ministry and leadership, perhaps especially since the Covid pandemic, are overworked, stressed, and frankly exhausted. This book, based around Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman in John 4, invites us to stop and sit by the well with Jesus for a while, and to learn to incorporate into our lives a habit, even a discipline, of rest. Drawing on the living water we can then fulfil our callings through relying on God’s strength and resources, not our own. This book is a timely gift to Christian workers everywhere.
Rosie Button, lecturer in Staff care and Wellbeing and New Testament at All Nations Christian College.
This book can help us discern what God wants us to say 'yes' to, and when to say 'no'; it can help us learn to build margin into our lives so that we work from a place of rest. How are you? Busy? If so, and especially if you do not have time to read books, then this is the book for you. Dr Debbie Hawker, InterHealth
I am very happy to endorse the book. It came at a very timely moment for me as I was thinking about what it looks like to have a balanced life, and how we support others to avoid burnout. The new angle on the story of the Samaritan woman was of great encouragement and challenged me personally. It was good to be reminded about rhythms of life and it has provoked me to look again at how we create margin. Becky Hembery, Head of Mission Personnel Operations, BMS World Mission
Preach online August 2023. Review by Ali Hull
Tony Horsfall has been writing books to encourage Christians, particularly leaders, for many years, and this one is a revised and reissued version of a previous book. It is definitely worth a read.
His main thesis is that Jesus models a different way of working, that is not only counter-cultural in the sense that it goes against the way the western world works, but it also goes against the way the church tends to act in the Western world as well. Because as far as idolising hard work and over-commitment is concerned, the church and the Western world tend to be in lockstep.
It doesn’t have to be like this.
Taking the John 4 story of Jesus meeting the woman at the well as his foundation, Horsfall explores what made Jesus different, his security in his identity and his ability to say ‘No’ – there is even a list in the back of occasions when he did so! He points out that we tend to believe the Protestant work ethic is God-ordained, piling pressure upon pressure, either upon ourselves or each other. Our measure of success is ‘numerical growth’ which leads, he believes, to greater pressure on those who work for the big successful churches – both to ‘keep producing results’ and through an ‘unacknowledged perfectionism’.
But at the well, Jesus stopped. He rested.
He was tired and stopping was okay. Not only was it okay, it turned out to be fruitful. Stopping, says Horsfall, is a discipline – whether we want to do it or not, we need to intentionally build it into our lives, in order for our ministry to be sustainable. ‘As Christians,’ he writes, ‘we have a strong theology of work but virtually no theology of leisure’, and he sets out to reset the balance a little here, exploring what leisure does, the different types of leisure, and why it matters. But he goes beyond that, to point to a new way of working – allowing God to work in and through us, finding our security in him, leaving the results to him, and developing the spiritual disciplines necessary to integrate resting and working.
Reviewed by Ali Hull, book editor for Preach magazine.
Review by Richard Frost, September 2023
Tony Horsfall is one of BRF’s most prolific writers and this book does not disappoint. First published in 2010, this revised version provides a thought-provoking exploration of one of the great encounters recorded in the Bible: Jesus’ meeting with the woman from Samaria.
Taking as its starting point, Jesus’ need to have a rest after tiring walk, Tony Horsfall encourages all of us to ‘sit by the well’ for a while. He argues that Jesus used this rest not only for refreshment but to be the place from which his work would continue: on this occasion in the conversation he would have with the woman who came to collect water.
At a time when burn out, exhaustion and other forms of physical and mental ill health are being experienced by many in church ministry and secular work environments, Horsfall warns against the ‘driven’ nature of many occupations and the often misjudged approaches by those who undertake them. ‘We are not machines; we are human beings,’ he writes. ‘We cannot keep producing the goods without respite. We need a break. We need to sit by the well.’
This is a book for its time. It is easy to read, and Horsfall’s writing draws out numerous points for us to reflect upon. Like threads in a tapestry, they serve to support the key theme of the book: working from a place of rest.
Reviewed by Richard Frost. A former mental health and employment specialist, Richard is the author of Life with St Benedict and writes a blog at He is also the author of three other books.
A letter from a reader:
Dear Tony
I'm sure you get plenty of thank you emails. I simply wanted to add to them. Your books: Rhythms of Grace, Working from a Place of Rest, and Mentoring for Spiritual Growth are being used to redirect our ministry.
In August last year, after six years of running our smallholding in Cornwall as a place of prayer and recovery from addiction, mental illness... we came very close to burnout. God stepped in, through a number of friends and supporting churches, and put us on a sabbatical break. Friends in Birmingham, who had been to one of your seminars, suggested we read your books. It's now my second time reading through them and my wife and I can feel God calling us back to his vision for this place.
Thank you for helping us get back on track.
From The Good Bookstall - May 2010
This slim book is a precious antidote to the overload excesses that corrode the heart and soul of all who serve Jesus. Tony Horsfall writes with great wisdom and warmth navigating core truths with great faithfulness and fresh insight!
The narrative of Jesus and the Samaritan woman are central to explorations offered.... I particularly treasured the clarity the author paints of how Jesus said, 'No' to people! Additionally the journey surrounding the cycle of grace offers real help. I would have loved more application, especially surrounding margins and boundaries.
Great book offered up by a wise guide!
Reviewed by Johnny Douglas