Flash Sale 2024 20% off

Flash Sale 2024 20% off

The People's Bible Commentary: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts: A Bible commentary for every day
The People’s Bible Commentary series presents scholarly insights in straightforward terms, aiming to instruct the head but also to warm...
The Prince of Peace in a World of Wars: Applying the message of God's love to a needy world
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David Kerrigan sees the coming of Jesus at Christmas as central to the divine plan to bring peace to the...
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The Psalms: A commentary for prayer and reflection
The psalms are Israel's prayer book. Their origins are in many cases shrouded in mystery. We cannot be sure how...
The Recovery of Hope: Bible reflections for sensing God's presence and hearing God's call
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We live in the hope of experiencing first-hand the all-sufficient grace, love and forgiveness which is God's alone, a hope...
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The Recovery of Joy: finding the path from rootlessness to returning home
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'Recovering joy involves more than following our social codes and conventions. It involves walking with God at our right hand,...
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The Space Between: The disruptive seasons we want to hide from, and why we need them
The disruptive seasons of life – those transition times in which we have left one season of stability but not yet...
The Twelve Degrees of Silence
The stresses and strains of contemporary life leave so many of us thirsting for peace and clarity of mind and...
The Whole Christmas Story: An Advent adventure through Genesis, Revelation, and points in between
Advent is a time to remember and reflect on the Christmas story and the baby at its heart. But the...
The Whoosh Bible: 50 interactive Bible stories for children's groups
An excitingly different approach to sharing Bible stories with children What is a Whoosh? The Whoosh was created by Professor...
The Word's Out: Principles and strategies for effective evangelism today
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At a time of declining church attendance, this book challenges us to understand that evangelism is more important than ever....
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Thinking of You: a resource for the spiritual care of people with dementia
This book approaches dementia from a number of angles: biological, psychological, sociological, and theological. After an introduction explaining the multifaceted...
This Crown of Comfort: God’s seven calls to women in distress
God loves women. He deeply cares for those of us who are broken and hurt. And just as he helped...
Towards Jerusalem: A pilgrim's regress and progress to God's Holy City
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God has an agenda for cities. Steve Brady is convinced of it. The Bible is full of significant cities and...
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Turned by Divine Love: Starting again with God and with others
This book, the fruit of prayer, theological reflection and rich human experience, evokes fresh praying and thinking about all the...
Unveiled: Women of the Old Testament and the choices they made
Some women of the Hebrew scriptures are well known, but many others are barely remembered. Even when they are, we...
Walking with Biblical Women of Courage: Imaginative studies for Bible meditation
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We're all called to everyday courage: the ability to persevere in suffering, resilience in the face of disappointment and loss,...
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Walking with Gospel Women: Interactive Bible meditations
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Imaginative meditation can be a powerful way of attuning ourselves to God's presence, involving as it does the emotions as...
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Welcome to the Lord's Table activity book
Every page in this book has been designed to help you mark a very important journey. Step by step it...
Welcome to the Lord's Table: A practical programme for children on Holy Communion
Welcome to the Lord's Table is a fully revised edition of a highly successful programme, used in many churches and...
What ARE They Doing Down There?: A God's Eye View of the World, or What's Left of It
Via jokes, quips, observations and short thoughts, comedian and writer Paul Kerensa shines a light on the bits of everyday...
What’s in the Bible (for me)?: 50 readings and reflections
Where do you start with reading the Bible? Here's the perfect gift for Messy Church families and others new to...
When they Crucified My Lord
On this journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day, you are invited to become a pilgrim with Brother Ramon. Each...
When You Pray: Daily Bible reflections on the Lord's Prayer
In this updated edition of a classic text, Joanna Collicutt shows how growing as a Christian is rooted in the...
Whole Life, Whole Bible: 50 readings on living in the light of Scripture
Where we spend most of our time - at home, at work, in the neighbourhood - matters to God and...
Working from a Place of Rest: Jesus and the key to sustaining ministry
Exhaustion, burnout, tiredness, even breakdown... sadly, such conditions are all too common these days, not least among those involved in...
World Turned Upside Down
There are no simple answers to life’s challenges, so how do we integrate our most testing experiences into our faith...
Writes of the Church: Gripes and grumbles of people in the pews
What would a church magazine letters page look like if the locals just wrote what they actually thought - and...
You Are Mine: Daily Bible readings from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day
'Again and again, as I have sought to look into both the scriptures and my own life, I have heard...