Finding Flourishing: Aligning with God’s rhythms in your life and work

Finding Flourishing: Aligning with God’s rhythms in your life and work

Naomi Aidoo, author of Finding Flourishing, tells us all about her upcoming webinar focusing on wellbeing and work–life balance.

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly running on empty, overwhelmed by the weight of your to-do list and unsure if you’re truly living in alignment with God’s plan for your life? If you’re like many of us, you’re juggling multiple roles. Think family, work, church and wider community. And maybe that’s just to name a few? Amidst all of that, you’re seeking to live out your faith in the midst of it all. If you’re being honest, that frequently mentioned notion of ‘work–life balance’ feels pretty elusive.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. I know first-hand just how easy it is to get caught up in ‘hustle culture’, forgetting the deeper rhythm that God has designed for us. My work over the past few years has been birthed out of a desire and, to be honest, a need to work differently. To work in a way which makes sense for the rest of my life and to support others in doing the same. What if you could move beyond burnout and step into a life where your work, your relationships and your wellbeing all reflect God’s pace and rhythm for your life?

That’s exactly what we’ll be exploring in my upcoming webinar, ‘Faith-First Wellbeing: Tools for flourishing in work and life’. We’ll be exploring this theme through three key concepts.

1. Recognising your inherent worth

So many of us base our value on what we do or what others think of us. (I know I can be guilty of this when I’m not careful.) The truth, though? Our worth isn’t performance-based; it’s inherent, simply because of who we are in Christ. In Finding Flourishing, I explore how, as women of faith, we need to reconnect with the truth that our identity is rooted in God, not in our accomplishments or external validation.

The story of the Samaritan woman (John 4) beautifully illustrates this. As we explore this beautiful story, we’ll begin to learn that it’s time to let go of the pressure to perform and embrace the freedom that comes from knowing who and whose we are.

2. Recognising burnout and embracing support

Burnout is all too common in our fast-paced world. We often push ourselves to the limit without even realising the need for rest and replenishment. However, God’s design for us includes rest, nourishment and moments to recharge.

In 1 Kings 19, we read about Elijah, who experiences deep burnout. Instead of simply carrying on, God provides him both spiritual and practical support. We’ll be exploring this story within the webinar and asking ourselves what both spiritual and practical support looks like for us.

I’ll also be sharing my TIME framework – a simple, practical tool to help you reset, regain focus and honour both your calling and your capacity.

3. Released into flourishing

Flourishing doesn’t mean doing everything perfectly. If it did, then I’m most certainly missing the mark. What it does mean, though, is stepping into the life God has called you to, at a pace that is sustainable and fulfilling. It means releasing the things that weigh you down and embracing the opportunities he has placed before you.

It’s not about doing more, or even about doing less; it’s about doing what aligns with God’s purpose for us and letting go of what’s no longer serving that.

If you’re ready to leave behind what holds you back and step into flourishing, join me for this ‘Faith-First Wellbeing’ webinar. Together, we’ll explore these themes in more depth, engage in meaningful discussions, and take practical steps to align with God’s rhythm for our lives.

Wednesday 19 March at 8.00 pm. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed, questioning your worth or simply looking for ways to align your life with God’s pace, this interactive session is for you. I look forward to seeing you there.

Book on to the webinar here.

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