Rooted in God's Grace: Dwelling in the knowledge of God
Rooted in God's Grace: Dwelling in the knowledge of God

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Rooted in God's Grace: Dwelling in the knowledge of God

Author : Hannah Fytche

Emboldening young people to build a relationship with God

Are reading the Bible and praying just a part of a to-do list? Is ticking them off each day as much as we can hope for? Hannah Fytche is adamant that it isn't and she suggests that we start by recognising our relationship with God through Jesus Christ - a place of freedom and grace rather than a striving to earn approval by getting things done. Rooted in God's Grace will give you passion and confidence and will embolden you for growing in the knowledge of God creatively.

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Title Rooted in God's Grace: Dwelling in the knowledge of God
Author Hannah Fytche

Are reading the Bible and praying just a part of a to-do list? Is ticking them off each day as much as we can hope for? Hannah Fytche is adamant that it isn't and she suggests that we start by recognising our relationship with God through Jesus Christ - a place of freedom and grace rather than a striving to earn approval by getting things done. Rooted in God's Grace will give you passion and confidence and will embolden you for growing in the knowledge of God creatively.

  • Product code: 9780857465870
  • Published: 22 June 2018
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 144
  • Dimensions: 130mm wide and 198mm high

Are reading the Bible and praying just a part of a to-do list? Is ticking them off each day as much as we can hope for? Hannah Fytche is adamant that it isn't and she suggests that we start by recognising our relationship with God through Jesus Christ - a place of freedom and grace rather than a striving to earn approval by getting things done. Rooted in God's Grace will give you passion and confidence and will embolden you for growing in the knowledge of God creatively.

Hannah invites us to a shaped life: a life which is patterned on the shapes of scripture and liturgy, and on the friendship we discover with fellow pilgrims en route. We call that pilgrimage the church - a dynamic place where we are inspired by our Christian ancestors as well as our contemporary sisters and brothers; a place where, as Hannah puts it, we encounter 'diverse unity, boundless love and risky faith' as we 'remind each other of the grace of Christ'. Extract from Foreword by Revd Dr Jamie Hawkey, Dean of Clare College, Cambridge; Chaplain to The Queen

Hannah Fytche is in her first year of studying theology at university. Over the past four years she has been mentored by Sharon Prior of the Sophia Network (, which 'exists to empower and equip women in leadership, and to champion the full equality of women and men in the church.'


Church Times, 1 February 2019. Review by Canon Rowan Williams

'I'm not an expert in prayer or the bible, just someone who's on the same journey as you.' As I read this engaging little book, the image of the Emmaus road kept returning to me. Writing for young people like her, who are often suspicious of being told what to do or to think, Hannah Fytche does not set out to offer magic solutions, but companionship on the way.

The book is, broadly, in two parts: Part I explores why it matters that we relate to God in Christ, while Part II focuses on how to build and maintain that relationship through 'rhythms of rootedness' - spiritual disciplines or habits of faithfulness, including bible study, prayer, experiencing creation, silence and rest, belonging to church, and liturgy. Those of us who did not grow up in the Evangelical tradition could learn a great deal from the way in which she communicates her discovery of these key building-blocks of Christian discipleship to others who may be less familiar with them.

Although most of the ideas here are not new in themselves, Fytche presents them in a new way, encouraging others with her youthful energy and enthusiasm to take the risk of discovering a God who transcends all our attempts at labelling. She is disarmingly honest about life's complexity and the imperfections of the church - 'messy' and 'tied up in knots' both recur several times - in a way that will encourage other young Christians to admit their own struggles and find comfort.

Fytche is a Master's student in theology at Cambridge, and a potential ordinand. She writes with the directness of the regular blogger: her own blog,, is listed alongside several others in an index at the back, together with suggestions of music and further reading. Each chapter ends with 'headphones time', a practical exercise in prayer or reflection designed to help block out distractions and allow God to speak. In a genre dominated by introverts, it is also refreshing to read an extrovert's take on spirituality and the importance of silence: 'why should we make the effort to love silence when you have Netflix?' Read on and find out.

Review by Canon Rowan Williams, Precentor of Peterborough Cathedral

Reform October 2018. Review by Diana Paulding

The blurb of Rooted in God's Grace set it up to be little more than a recommendation to pray, read the Bible and go to church. However, the depth and honesty with which Fytche writes, and her biblical knowledge, questioning and growing faith, surprise and humble those who make the proverbial error of judging this book by its cover.

Each chapter focuses on a different way in which one can grow in the knowledge of God. From making the most of silence to finding habits that draw one closer to God day by day, Fytche explores ways in which anybody can root themselves in the love God and allow the subsequent growth to influence their everyday life.

The end of each chapter poses a list of questions to encourage the reader to explore themes further, suggesting passages of scripture that can direct one's reflection and prayer. Interspersed between the chapters are anecdotes from Fytche's experiences of God and the Church in her childhood and student life that, whilst not always adding to the messages of the chapters, bring one back to the human and the humanity behind the book.

Humanity and grace is evident throughout the book as Fytche acknowledges the differences between different Christians' understandings, practices and styles of worship. She never belittles or rejects other paths - she makes clear her own opinions and beliefs but highlights the ethos of the book by stating that the only prerequisite of a church is that they 'have at their core the grace of Jesus'.

Whether or not one agrees with all aspects of Fytche's theology, this is a book worth reading for anybody who struggles to make time for God in the everyday. It is a reminder of the ways in which one's understanding can grow and of the rewards that can be reaped when time is made for the peace of God. As a whole, it is an expression of the joy that is to be found when God is placed at the centre of one's life.

Reviewed by Diana Paulding, MPhil student in Old Testament at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge

Wider World: The Bookcase. Autumn 2018

Blending scripture and experience, Rooted in God's Grace is an engaging exploration of the freedom found in our relationship with God through Christ. Hannah Fytche empowers her readers to explore and grow in their knowledge of God in exciting, creative and imaginative ways. Her 'Headphones Time' sections, found at the end of every chapter, contain questions, ideas and prayer topics to encourage a deeper understanding of God's glory and His love for us. Each chapter also features a suggested 'soundtrack': a song or piece of music that draws together the theme or purpose of the chapter. This is a fantastic book, written by a young person for young people (though not exclusively!).